Friday, October 23, 2015

Friday, September 5, 2014

Astral Plane and Total awareness

Science Has Questions That May Never Be Answered And Religion Has Answers That Must Never Be Questioned.

The esoteric opinions on Astral Planes lies in the grey area between science and religion. There have been numerous citings about this interesting region in various religions through out the history. On the other hand there is no scientific evidence that astral projection as an objective phenomenon exists.

However, if closely exmained quite a few great personalities who were actually not religious tend to exhbit the visions of the astral world.

For instance,
'Our Entire biological system, the brains and the earth itself work on the same frequencies.'
'If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration'
- Nikola Tesla

Here is my attempt on understanding this interesting region.

The system as in universe as a whole, with its sub-systems there exist perfectly definite planes, each with its own matter of different degrees of density, and that some of these planes can be visited and observed by persons who have qualified themselves for the work, exactly as a foreign country might be visited and observed. The qualified for this discussion would be the enlgihtened or the one who is totally aware. A mind free from all the condemnation.

The names usually given to these 7 planes, taking them in order of materiality, rising from the denser to the finer, are the physical, the astral, and the others (to keep it simple and you away from the terms which wont be a part of this discussion). The matter of each of these planes differs from that of the one below it in the same way as, though to a much greater degree than, vapour differs from solid matter; in fact, the states of matter which we call solid, liquid, and gaseous are merely the three lowest subdivisions of the matter belonging to this one physical plane.

The astral plane has seven subdivisions, each of which has its corresponding degree of materiality and its corresponding condition of matter. Now numbering these from the highest and least material downwards, we find that they naturally fall into three classes, divisions 1, 2 and 3 forming one such class, and 4, 5 and 6 another, while the seventh and lowest of all stands alone. The difference between the matter of one of these classes and the next would be commensurable with that between a solid and a liquid, while the difference between the matter of the subdivisions of a class would rather resemble that between two kinds of solid, such as, say, steel and sand.

staY with me

Life on the sixth division is simply our ordinary life on this earth, minus the physical body and its necessities; while as it ascends through the fifth and fourth divisions it becomes less and less material, and is more and more withdrawn from our lower world and its interests.

Bodhidharma (approx 5th/6th century CE) was a legendary Buddhist monk well known in both Chinese and Japanese buddhist lore. Some of his mythic feats including meditating in a cave, facing a wall for nine years. This led me to believe the possibilities of living on the 6th plane.

The scenery of these lower divisions, then, is that of the earth as we know it: but it is also very much more; for when looked at from this different standpoint, with the assistance of the astral senses, even purely physical objects present a very different appearance. As has already been mentioned, they are seen by one whose eyes are fully opened, not as usual from one point of view, but from all sides at once—an idea in itself sufficiently confusing; and when we add to this that every particle in the interior of a solid body is as fully and clearly visible as those on the outside, it will be comprehended that under such conditions even the most familiar objects may at first be totally unrecognizable.

Looked at on the astral plane, for example, the sides of a glass cube would all appear equal, as they really are, while on the physical plane we see the further side in perspective—that is, it appears smaller than the nearer side, which is, of course, a mere illusion.

Yet a moment's consideration will show that such vision approximates much more closely to true perception than physical sight.

Below is an attempt to visualize astral sight.

Alex grey's depection (Thanks to Tool - band which lead me to him)

The vision not to be considered only as a visual experience but as a conscious. A consciousness which is enabled to look at a problem and arriving at the solution that very instant. In this the process of thinking is absent. Thinking which is based on conditioning, thinking based on condemnation.

To reach such a state the physical body has to go through tremendous amount of strain.

Bodhidharma is also responsible for creating Chinese martial arts. Having arrived at the Shaolin Temple, he was disturbed by the monks poor physical fitness which were preventing them from meditating for long periods. He taught them a system of exercises to strengthen their body which eventually evolved into Shaolin kung-fu.

Such is the experience which J Krishnamurti had during his time in Ojai, California in early 1922 had where he would study and meditate. Below are the citing from LUTYENS, MARY. Krishnamurti, The Years of Awakening.

"It is not easy for modern readers to comprehend the transformation that occuered at Ojai. Like the bewildered Nitya (JK's brother), we who are not able to come to these events through our own experience might maturely try to convey them using traditional vocabulary drawn from Yoga or Buddhism. The 'process' as Nitya called it, occuered in phases spread over many months during 1922 and 1923, What seemed to be a physically painful ordeal was punctuated by visions of great beauty and moments of transparent clarity.
Krishnamurti began meditation steadily and easily. Then a pain developed along the nape of his neck, and over the next few weeks it grew more intense and shifted to different parts of his body. Mainly it was concentrated along the spine, behind the eyes and at the crown of this head.
Nitya watched his brother shudder, writhe in agony and often faint. He heard him in several voices."

Might be Scary although that is not the motive and any attempt to comprehend the visions to the physical plain would still leave us unconscious until we experience their existence.

Even though we do not have any scientific evidence supporting this one thing we know for sure is this is an absolute reality. Not from a metaphysical standpoint but the word in its plain.

Understanding of the brain and its functionality is still not fully mastered as of yet which would be the key to the astral world. The recent success in Direct Brain-to-Brain Communication in Humans with BCI brain-computer interfaces could be the path way.

LUTYENS, MARY. Krishnamurti, The Years of Awakening.
Commentaries on Living, Second Series. 1958 Krishnamurti Foundation America
The Masters and the Path, Leadbeater C W

Monday, August 4, 2014

Why did the chicken cross the road?

What for? why'd you want to know?
It doesnt know that it is called a chicken.
Its a free land. And its born to roam and fly around.
You paved it and call it a road.
It doesnt even know it is called a road.

Where "why" is vital, chicken and road are irrelavent.
Those are prespectives of human mind.

Along those same lines,
Why War? Why Governments?

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Indian General Elections at a glance since 1952 till 2014 - 16th Lok Sabha

And yet again its BJP or Congress, and the country is too busy being intelligent in getting one among the two.
Its not about getting the right Leader. It is about where we are getting him elected into.

After almost 60 years it utterly evident that the system could only be false. The government.
We are only trying to get the right leader into a false system.

The Indian constitution is the derived from the British and yet still in the British have Monarchy.
Doesn't this arise the very question in you?

Below is how and who the country has been electing for the past 60 odd years.
Out of 16 elections only 8 have Completed its full term.

1st Lok Sabha (1952):
Indian National Congress (INC)
April 17, 1952, lasted its full term till April 4, 1957.
2nd Lok Sabha (1957):
The 2nd Lok Sabha completed its full term on March 31, 1962.
3rd Lok Sabha (1962):
Completed its full term

Indo-Sino conflict of 1962
1956-57 construction of a Chinese military highway in the disputed territory of Aksai China just west of Tibet.

Widely criticised for his government's insufficient attention to defence, Nehru was forced to sack the then defence minister Krishna Menon and accept U.S. military aid.
Nehru died on May 27, 1964. Congress had elected a new leader, Lal Bahadur Shastri. succeeded by Indira Gandhi, Nehru's daughter.
Despite stiff opposition from veteran Congress leader Morarji Desai, Indira Gandhi became the Prime Minister on January 24, 1966.

The party was going through internal crisis and the country itself was recovering from two closely fought wars. The economy was hurting, general sentiment was low.
4th Lok Sabha (1967):
A mid-term election to the Lok Sabha was called for, a full one year ahead of schedule.

Indira Gandhi, elected to the Lok Sabha from Rai Bareili constituency, was sworn in as the Prime Minister on March 13.
In order to keep dissident voices at bay, she appointed Morarji Desai, who had opposed her candidature as PM after Nehru's death, as Deputy Prime Minister of India and Finance Minister of


The party split into two factions: the Congress (O)-for Organisation-led by Morarji Desai, and the Congress (I)--for Indira-led by Indira Gandhi. Indira continued to head a minority

government with support from the CPI(M) till December 1970. Not wanting to head a minority government any longer, she called for a mid-term election to the Lok Sabha a full one year ahead

of schedule.

The country was set for the fifth general elections.
5th Lok Sabha (1971):
Completed its full term

India-Pakistan war in 1971 that resulted in the liberation of Bangladesh. India's victory in December 1971 was hailed by all Indians as it came in the face of diplomatic opposition from

both China and the United States. There was hardly any international support from almost every other nation.

On June 12, 1975, the Allahabad High Court invalidated her 1971 election on the grounds of electoral malpractices. Instead of resigning, Indira Gandhi declared an Emergency in the country

and jailed the entire Opposition.

The Emergency lasted till March 1977 and in the General Elections held in 1977, she was routed by a coalition of parties called Janta Morcha. This was the first time that the Congress had

been dealt a bloody blow.
6th Lok Sabha (1977):
Janata Party. The Congress lost the elections for the first time.
Completed only 3 years of term.

Janata Party leader Morarji Desai, who had been released from prison two months before the elections, won 298 seats. Desai became India's first non-Congress Prime Minister on March 24.

The state of Emergency declared by the Congress government was the core issue in the 1977 elections. Civil liberties were suspended during the national emergency from 25 June 1975 to 21

March 1977 and Prime Minister Indira Gandhi assumed vast powers.

Gandhi had become extremely unpopular for her decision and paid for it during the elections. Gandhi, on January 23, called fresh elections for March and released all political prisoners.
7th Lok Sabha (1980):
INC or Congress (I)
Completed full term

The Janata Party, an amalgam of socialists and Hindu nationalists, split in 1979 when Bharatiya Jana Sangh (BJS) leaders A B Vajpayee and L K Advani quit and the BJS withdrew support to

the government.

Desai lost a trust vote in Parliament and resigned. Charan Singh, who had retained some partners of the Janata alliance, was sworn in as Prime Minister in June 1979.

Congress promised to support Singh in Parliament but later backed out. He called for elections in January 1980 and is the only Prime Minister not to have faced Parliament. The fight

between Janata Party leaders and the political instability in the country worked in favour of the Congress (I), which reminded voters of the strong government of Indira Gandhi.
8th Lok Sabha (1984-85):
INC or Congress (I)
Completed only 4 years of term.

Prime Minister Indira's Gandhi assassination on October 31, 1984, created a sympathy vote for the Congress. The Lok Sabha was dissolved after Indira's death and Rajiv Gandhi was sworn in

as interim Prime Minister.

Elections were announced for November 1984 and during the campaigning Rajiv reminded people of his family's contribution and portrayed himself as a reformer.
9th Lok Sabha (1989):
Janata Dal, National Front's largest constituent won
Vishwanath Pratap Singh became the 10th Prime Minister
Completed only 2 years of term.

1989 General Elections were fought with the young Rajiv cornered with numerous crises - both internal and external - and the Congress government losing credibility and popularity.

The Bofors scandal
Rising terrorism in Punjab
The civil war between LTTE and Sri Lankan governmenthe civil war between LTTE and Sri Lankan government

On October 11, 1988, the Janata Dal was formed by merger of Jan Morcha, Janata Party, Lok Dal and Congress (S), in order to bring together all the parties opposed to the Rajiv Gandhi


Soon, many regional parties rallied around the Janata Dal including the DMK, TDP, and AGP and formed the National Front. The five-party National Front jumped into the electoral fray in

1989 after joining hands with the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the two communist parties - the Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) and the Communist Party of India (CPI).
Janata Dal, National Front's largest constituent won.

After BJP leader L K Advani started the Rath Yatra on the Ram Janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid issue and was arrested in Bihar by state chief minister Lalu Yadav, the party withdrew support to the

VP Singh government. Singh resigned after losing the trust vote.
10th Lok Sabha (1991):
INC or Congress
PV Narasimha Rao of the Congress
Completed its full term

The two most important poll issues, the Mandal Commission fallout and the Ram Janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid issue.

While the Mandal Commission report implemented by the VP Singh government gave 27 per cent reservation to the Other Backward Castes (OBCs) in government jobs and led to widespread violence

and protests across the country by the forward castes.
Mandir represented the row over the disputed Babri Masjid structure at Ayodhya which the Bharatiya Janata Party was using as its major poll plank. The Mandir issue had led to riots in many

party of the country and the electorate was polarised on caste and religious lines. With the national Front in disarray, the Congress seemed to be on the comeback trail.

Former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated by the Liberation Tiger of Tamil Eelam while campaigning at Sriperembudur. lead to sympathy votes to congress.
11th Lok Sabha (1996):
A B Vajpayee - BJP
Deve Gowda - Janata Dal
I K Gujral - Gowda's Foreign Minister
Completed only 1 and a half years of term.

The Harshad Mehta scandal
The Vohra report on criminalisation of politics
The Jain hawala scandal
'Tandoor murder' case
These damaged the Rao government's credibility.

Gujral was a stopgap arrangement. The country would go to elections again in 1998.
Elections for 11th Lok Sabha resulted in a hung Parliament and two years of political instability during which the country would have three Prime Ministers.
12th Lok Sabha (1998):
BJP - Atal Bihari Vajpayee
413 days

The 11th Lok Sabha had a short life, lasting barely one-and-a-half years. The minority Inder Kumar Gujral government, the second by the United Front in 18 months since the May 1996 general

elections, collapsed on November 28, 1997 when the Congress, headed by Sitaram Kesri, withdrew support over controversy surrounding involvement in the 1991 assassination of Prime Minister

Rajiv Gandhi.

The 12th Lok Sabha was constituted on March 10, 1998, and a coalition led by veteran BJP leader Atal Bihari Vajpayee was sworn in nine days later. The 12th Lok Sabha had a life-span of 413

days, the shortest to date.

The dissolution came in the absence of a viable alternative after the 13-month-old Bharatiya Janata Party-led government was ousted by one vote on April 17. "+++This was the fifth time the

Lok Sabha was dissolved before completing its full tenure.+++"

13th Lok Sabha (1999):
BJP - Atal Bihari Vajpayee
Completed its full term

On April 17, 1999, Vajpayee lost a confidence vote in the Lok Sabha and consequently tendered the resignation of his coalition government. He cited a lack of cohesion in his 24-party

National Democratic Alliance (NDA) as the reason. The BJP fell short of a single vote due to the withdrawal of one of their coalition partners, the AIADMK led by Jayalalithaa.

During the lengthy election campaign, the BJP and the Congress generally agreed on economic and foreign policy issues, including the handling of the Kashmir border crisis with Pakistan.

Their rivalry only boiled down into a personal confrontation between Vajpayee and the Congress President Sonia Gandhi.

The entry of Sonia Gandhi, a relative newcomer having been elected to the party presidency in 1998, was challenged by then Maharashtra Congress leader, Sharad Pawar, on the grounds of her

Italian birth. This led to a crisis within the Congress and the BJP effectively used this as an electoral issue.

The 1991, 1996, and 1998 elections saw a period of consistent growth for the BJP and its allies, based primarily on political expansions in terms of cultivating stronger and broader

alliances with other previously-unaffiliated parties.
The outcome which began on October 6 gave the NDA 298 seats, 136 to the Congress and its allies. Vajpayee was sworn in as Prime Minister on October 13.
14th Lok Sabha (2004):
INC or Congress(I)
Completed its full term

These elections, compared to all the other Lok Sabha elections of the 1990s, saw more of a head-to-head battle between personalities (Vajpayee and Sonia Gandhi) as there was no viable

Third Front alternative. The fight was between the BJP and its allies on the one hand and the Congress and its allies on the other. However, regional differences emerged on the national


Most analysts believed the NDA, riding high on the feel-good factor and its promotional campaign 'India Shining', would beat anti-incumbency and win clear majority. The economy had shown

steady growth during the BJP rule and the disinvestment of PSUs had been on track. The Foreign Exchange Reserves of India stood at more than $100 billion (the seventh largest in the world

and a record for India). The service sector had also generated a lot of jobs.

The Congress, who was regarded as "old-fashioned" by the ruling BJP, was largely backed by poor, rural, lower-caste and minority voters that did not participate in the economic boom of

previous years that created a large wealthy middle class and thus achieved its overwhelming victory.
15th Lok Sabha (2009):
INC or Congress(I)
Completed its full term
Only to diminish the little hope left in hearts of people for a better society.
16th Lok Sabha (2014):

And yet again its BJP or Congress and the country is too busy being intelligent in getting one among the two.
Its not about getting the right Leader. It is about where we are getting him elected into.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Why Vote

Apparently there are about 249 countries in the world. Out of which 193 are members of UN.

A government is the system by which a community is governed/organized

We all are aware that every community, every human, every so called country has problems, confusion, depressions, anxiety so on and so on..

What we are asking is this. No matter which part of the world it is, the problems, confusion, depressions, anxiety does exist. Every country, every community and every human. It is global...

How in this case can the so called "Government" which is trying to govern a "specific" community or country can solve the problems which are Global?

The world spends $400,000 million on wars. The fragmented Governments fighting against each other to save their own community? Doesn't it sound insane?

The Problem is global. No Government. Democracy, Monarchy, Authoritarian, Totalitarian can solve this problem till the time it is fragmented.

The Governments are corrupt. If we are to think the Governments were formed then corruption seeped in, it is wrong. Corruption was there for a very long time. Even before Kings and queens were ruling. Governments and money are tools used to streamline corruption in a place where you are being said you are free. Where the country is said to be democratic.

The design needs a change. The pattern is wrong. There is a fake hope seeded in every individuals minds. After every 5 years comes an election. A fake hope being painted that the problems will be solved. Solved by your Vote to the right person. There is no right person when the whole design is a flaw. Election campaigns promising to resolve all your problems "within YOUR country". When the problem is global. There are 249 odd and all governments promising and waging war against each other.
Do you realize what have we got ourselves into?

World has lost the very human nature in an urge to be Patriotic, Religious, Professional and so on..No political group, No organization, no religious group can be solution since they are fragmented. The problem is not approached globally.

Let’s take a look at the world’s largest democratic, secular country and it gifted Government solving their countrymen’s problems for the past 60 odd years. India.

"In 150 years, the Britishers did not plunder the country as much as the leaders of this nation have looted." - Anna Hazare

British Raj was for almost 150 years. However the Gifted Indian Government has managed to loot the nation within 60 odd years. Below is the amount of money made by Politicians out of all these scams.

Even before Indian independence the Congress were corrupt.
When the congress came to power in 1937 in six states, corruption was so rampant that "Gandhi" out of disgust in 1939 wrote “I would go to length of giving the whole congress a decent burial than put up with the corruption that is rampant.” in response to the widespread corruption in Congress ministries formed under 1935 Act in six states in 1937.
You see they started warming up back then.

Our Proud Governments first scandal after Indian independence in August 1947 is called Jeep Scandal in the year 1948. Buy Jeeps for Indian defence forces and hence the reference. Democratic country's first embellishment. So on and so on.

2014 the so called country India is awaiting yet another election. I do not know how many other countries have their elections and when. But the question is the same. Are you going to hope for the fragmented Governments to solve the problems which are global? Are you going to Vote?

Breaking the pattern:
Option of not voting for any candidate- Rule 49-O of Conduct of Elections Rules, 1961 in India.
This is when you are dead sure that both the parties are no good, the elector can opt not to vote.
You can opt for 49-O when you know the design is a flaw.
Its been more than 60 years since we have been selecting amongst the better worst.

Constantly choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil. ~ Jerry Garcia

"We shall not contest any election nor shall we take part in politics of elections but shall work for the countrymen," Anna Hazare

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Stay Alive

 If you are alive, if you are really alive and vibrating with life, you will look foolish; that's why children look like fools. Old people look wise because they are dead, stiff -- all life has oozed out of them. They are alive only for name's sake. They may have died a long time before.

A child is alive and intelligent because a child is more alert, more radiantly alert. See a child watching something. If a child is watching a snail just watch the child -- how alert, how totally in the moment he is. It is as if he has become just the eyes; his whole being is pouring through the eyes. A child is intelligent, all an old man becomes is cunning and clever.

That is the difference between growing UP and growing Old. Being Alive and existing.

Look at the confusions around. War, Politics, Poverty. These are not unsolvable nor we have to bite this down and pass on to next generations to come.

Stand for what is right. Stay Alive.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Being an Indian Why do you hate Pakistan

Ask yourself a question. Being an Indian, why do you hate Pakistan? You might as well be a person who does not. Then why does the majority of this country do?

Religion, Ethics, culture…? Partition of India during Independence which claimed thousands of lives….? Terrorists….?

Or have you been taught, fed and educated to do so?

Think of it like this, Pakistan was part of India before the Partition which happened during the Independence. It was our home land.
In fact, it is a country with beautiful and talented people. It is known for its exotic landscapes. The only thing to hate about it is the terrorist groups. Wouldn’t it be unfair to hate Pakistanis when they themselves are suffering due to these groups?

It is been 60 Years since the Independence. We now have 2 different countries. 2 different communities separated base upon Religion. Pakistan – Muslims majority and India – Hindu majority.
Is religion a good basis for creating communities?

Doesn’t both the religion say to love each other? Doesn’t both the religion preach about justice and equality? In the advent being a Religious person people forgot to be humans in first place.

The All India Muslim League (AIML) had been formed in Dhaka in 1906 by Muslims who were suspicious of the Hindu-majority “Indian National Congress”. They complained that Muslim members did not have the same rights as Hindu members. A number of different scenarios were proposed at various times. 

Among the first to make the demand for a separate state was the writer and philosopher Allama Iqbal, who, in his presidential address to the 1930 convention of the Muslim League, proposed a separate nation for Muslims was essential in an otherwise Hindu-dominated Indian subcontinent.

  • Muhammad Ali Jinnah and other leaders had kept firm their belief in Hindu-Muslim unity. However, the volatile political climate and side-lining of Muslims by Indian National Congress showed the future of the Muslims in the subcontinent not so bright and gave the idea stronger backing. All Muslim political parties including the parties Khaksar Tehrik and Allama Mashriqi opposed the partition of India.
  •   Vinayak Damodar Savarkar Leader of the party Hindu Mahasabha.  He became a fierce critic of the Indian National Congress and its acceptance of India's partition, and was one of those accused in the assassination of Indian leader Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. He was acquitted as the charges could not be proven.

Despite a huge opposition from various parties on Partition of India including M.K. Gandhi, public order broke down all across northern India and Bengal, the pressure increased to seek a political partition of territories as a way to avoid a full-scale civil war.

It resulted in a struggle between the newly constituted states of India and Pakistan and displaced up to 12.5 million people with estimates of loss of life varying from several hundred thousand to a million (most estimates of the numbers of people who crossed the boundaries between India and Pakistan in 1947 range between 10 and 12 million).

So, end result - country split in 2. And feeling of hate, pain, distress and agony seeded in hearts of millions.

It is evident that the cause was Hindu religion. A Hindu Majority nation was actually responsible to trigger a need for the Minority to claim for a separate nation. It would not have been their problem until they were given equal rights. It would not have been their problem until the Hindu dominant society created the discrimination on religious grounds.

At the leadership level, the proportion of Muslims among delegates to “Indian National Congress” fell sharply, from 11% in 1921 to under 4% in 1923.

“Indian National Congress” was formed only for achieving independence and it featured a number of prominent political figures from both the religions (Hindu and Muslim). M.K Gandhi and Sardar Patel are said to have held the view that the INC was formed only for achieving independence and should have been disbanded in 1947.

In the very name of religion the country experienced riots, violence, civil wars and rape in large scale. The religious discrimination which led to communities split, Parties split and finally led to Partition.

Now Why Would You blame Pakistan? Why would you blame Muslims? You know the country is Majority of Hindus and Minority of Muslims. Why should there be domination over a community since it is of other religion. Where we humans in first place?

And then, there is a reason for you to hate. Media showcases it. The world knows about it. Terrorists 

May I ask you, how many terrorists groups are you aware of before 1947 (Year of Independence)?

Since Partition, with the riots and killings between the two religious communities, India and Pakistan have struggled to maintain normal relations. One of the biggest debates occurs over the disputed region of Kashmir, over which there have been three wars, and the reasons for the wars have related only to the confusion over partition. There have been four Indo-Pakistani wars till date. 1947, 1965, 1971 and one in 1999.

The Population of Pakistan has increased from ~45M in 1960 to ~180M till date.
The Population of India has increased from ~447M in 1960 to ~1210M till date.

Needless to compare the Defense forces and its strength between the two. Needless to say who would win a full scale war. With the constant community dispute and Kashmir dispute on, the country running with very low Defense forces will only produce what you call Terrorists.

According to the author Daniel Byman, "Pakistan is probably today's most active sponsor of terrorism." writing in an article published by The Australian stated, "following the terror massacres in Mumbai, Pakistan may now be the single biggest state sponsor of terrorism.

It is a treat to the society. The cause of the treat is not Pakistan, but the ones who SPLIT it as Pakistan.

It is only by this realization the terrorism against India can be reduced. It was India’s fault. We have little or no right to point fingers on anyone else but ourselves.

It is been 60 Years and still the fight is on. We are Humans. Humans are prone to make mistakes. We made a huge mistake by Partition of India.
After 60 years waste of time, Money on weapons and many lives isn’t it time to think of getting back the together? Wouldn’t this reunion be a lesson to the whole world?
You are not nurtured to think this direction. You know why? POLITICIANS.
Every government rule which takes power will only teach you to hate Pakistan. They gain your vote by putting hate against Pakistan featuring them as “enemies”.
This is because “WAR IS BUSINESS”. Where the profits are in Money and losses are in Lives. Human Lives.

It’s time to stop putting hate against Pakistan in the hearts of our future generation. Every new kid being born in this Nation, the eager young minds of the future will NOT HATE PAKISTAN. It is in your hands.!!!

Deadly Connections: States That Sponsor Terrorism By Daniel Byman, ISBN 0-521-83973-4, 2005, Cambridge University Press.

Monday, March 11, 2013

We live in a democratic country, remember?

Slavery.. Its works better when they Don't know they are slaves.

The Tax we pay, the Vote we cast, the Wars we support only make more slaves. Diplomatic, ignorant, working class slaves...

"Democracy" is a cover-up word.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Future of Mobility

An Electric vehicle could be "91% cheaper" than the usual Petrol/Diesel vehicles AND equally efficient.

At the current rate of consumption, the Earth has Oil for at most 26 Years.

THIS is a solar powered station for Electric Cars.

Each station simply uses solar panels to collect solar energy and a special module for electric cars to connect to the batteries.
On Jan 2012, A1 Co., Ltd. and BIES Ltd. opened the first set of solar-powered electric car charging stations across Sofia, Bulgaria.

Why an Electric car?

Clean. No pollution. Less maintenance. Greater Economic Resources Sustainability.
Cost Efficient.

Facts like rising fuel costs and rapid urbanization are just some of the reasons why the world is looking to newer, superior mobility solutions. Solutions which are "clean, clever and cost effective".


Monday, March 4, 2013

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Union Budget 2013-14 - How do you feel now?

Union Budget 2013-14

I would say we are digging our own graves. Sad and Pathetic.

* "Faced with a huge fiscal deficit, I have no choice but to rationalize expenditure. We took a dose of bitter medicine. It seems to be working."

Below are the Highlights of Union Budget 2013-14 which are to be considered in detail.
* Petroleum subsidy seen at 650 billion rupees in 2013/14
* Revised petroleum subsidy for 2012/13 at 968.8 billion rupees
* Revised 2012/13 fertilizer subsidy at 659.7 billion rupees

* Zero customs duty for electrical plants and machinery
* Move to revenue-sharing from profit-sharing policy in oil and gas sector
* To equalize duties on steam and bituminous coal to 2 point customs duty and 2 point cvd (countervailing duty)

The fact is we will need more than $75 billion this year and next year to fund deficit. How did we got into this?
This is because of the WRONG SUBSIDY TARGETS we have been focusing on for all these years.

Is there a way out?
The right way to deal the current fiscal deficit is to Fund more on Clean energy, More subsidies on large renewable energy projects. Clean and renewable. A source of energy which never deplete. The major identified Renewable resources of energy are Solar, Wind, Wave and geothermal.

Below is the focus we had received towards clean energy for this budget:

* Finance Minister, P Chidambaram promised to incentivise waste-to-energy projects that would come up through public private partnership mode with city municipalities and are neutral to different technologies.

* A scheme for making of renewable energy cheaper by providing for low interest bearing funds has been announced.

* A 'generation-based incentive' for wind energy projects and provide "Rs 800 cores" to the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy has been propose to reintroduced.

While the Petroleum subsidy seen at "RS 65,000 cores" in 2013/14.

Is this the focus we have for larger renewable energy projects?

If proper resources are utilized for Harvesting just the Solar and wind energy ALONE, the country will be well out of energy crisis without depending on Petrol, Coal or any non-renewable source of energy.

According to an estimate, the railway sector’s demand for electricity will grow by seven percent annually and by 2020 it will have a projected energy demand of 37,500 kWh (million kilowatt hour).

What are we going to do? Burn more coal, buy more crude oil? Or work on renewable energy with which we can sustain the increasing energy demands.

Going back to the  FINANCE MINISTER COMMENTS -  this is not the way to rationalize expenditure.

1 more question. Whose idea was Free-WiFi in trains anyways? Well played. Hope the train TTE doesn't hold the password and we have to pay an extra buck for it.


Monday, February 25, 2013

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

India is my country and all Indians are my brothers and sisters.. OK

The National Pledge is an oath of allegiance to the Republic of India. It is commonly recited by Indians in unison at public events, especially in schools, and during the Independence Day and Republic Day Celebrations. It is commonly found printed in the opening pages of school textbooks.

Do you know how the Pledge starts? “India is my country and all Indians are my brothers and sisters….”

Map #1 Shows India before the Indian Independence. There is not a country called Pakistan. We were one.

India was my country and all Indians were my brothers and sisters.

Map #2 Shows India after the Indian Independence in 1947. There is a country called Pakistan. Merely created on the basis of "religious demographics".

The partition of India was set forth in the Indian Independence Act 1947 and resulted in the dissolution of the British Indian Empire and the end of the British Raj. It resulted in a struggle between the newly constituted states of India and Pakistan and displaced up to 12.5 million people with estimates of loss of life varying from several hundred thousand to a million (most estimates of the numbers of people who crossed the boundaries between India and Pakistan in 1947 range between 10 and 12 million). The violent nature of the partition created an atmosphere of mutual hostility and suspicion between India and Pakistan that plagues their relationship to this day.

So, enemies is what we have been trained to call them. We wage war against that same piece of land which was once united and we are proud.

But, “India is my country and all Indians are my brothers and sisters….”

Map #3 Shows the current image of India. Shocking, that half of Kashmir is not part if India anymore. What are we seeing? What are these items – Kashmir controlled by Pakistan; Area ceded by Pakistan to China but Claimed by India; Area held by china claimed by India; Disputed areas and Line of control!!

With all these Political developments, one thing is clear. We have been wasting Natural resources for about 60 years now, by not putting the best use of it. Nobody takes it we only fight. Upon that, we spend Millions of money for the artillery, war and all the killing.

But, “India is my country and all Indians are my brothers and sisters….”

Monday, February 18, 2013

Do you love your country?

Next time when your told to be proud to be a citizen of your Nation, think about it. Patriotism is a tool. They have to make you feel proud to justify their actions which breeds Inequality. Wars for instance.
Countries are just artificial lines drawn on the face of the Earth. Earth was not born with those.
The idea behind that is Power and Money. Nothing else.

"WHEN you call yourself an Indian or a Muslim or a Christian or a European, or
anything else, you are being violent. Do you see why it is violent? Because you
are separating yourself from the rest of mankind. When you separate yourself by
belief, by nationality, by tradition, it breeds violence. So a man who is seeking to
understand violence does not belong to any country, to any religion, to any political
party or partial system; he is concerned with the total understanding of mankind." –

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Sharing Resources to end Inequality

“Neither the great political and financial power structures of the world, nor the specialization-blinded
professionals, nor the population in general realize is now highly feasible to take care of everybody
on earth at a “higher standard of living than any have ever known”. It no longer has to be you or me.
Selfishness is unnecessary and henceforth unrationalizable as mandated by survival. War is obsolete.”

-R. Buckminster Fuller

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

14th February

On 14th February lets donate our money to the helpless instead of buying a Valentines gift.

Be a human not a consumer.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013